
Inventory: Summer 2015

As of around 6pm last night:

Making: new Spotify playlists.

Cooking: a giant egg-and-veggie scramble. Partly for dinner tonight, partly for breakfast tomorrow.


Drinking: a cold and well-deserved glass of Sancerre after a long and pretty emotional day.

Reading: American Band by Kristen Laine (for the second time).

Wanting: my endless bug bites from this weekend's up-north shenanigans to stop itching!

Looking: forward to this weekend…a Friday wedding, and nothing but free time on the books after that!

Playing: a lot of Sudoku on my phone these days, while waiting for elevators and arriving early to everything.

Wasting: too much time watching "Grey's Anatomy" marathons.


Wishing: for better sleep. 

Enjoying: a great tan...and all the fun outdoor memories that go with getting it :)

Waiting: to firm up fall 2015 travel plans for work and play. 

Liking: having a crush. Just a little one. But all the same. 

Wondering: what work will look like tomorrow in the face of the announcement of a new CEO.


Loving: my grandma Lo. 

Hoping: for everything to go as easily as possible in the coming days and weeks. 

Marveling: at the 59-day Snapchat streak Kels and I have racked up. Frivolous, but fantastically fun. 

Needing: to fold the big pile of clean laundry I just pulled out of the washer...and not wanting to do so. 


Smelling: like Library of Flowers's Arboretum, my summer go-to perfume.

Wearing: this dress, which has been my favorite work outfit since I got it about a month ago. Feels like wearing pajamas to the office, it’s so comfy. And it’s on sale!!

Following: a ton of new Instagram accounts featuring Minneapolis, Saint Paul, and Minnesota. Love!


Noticing: how much earlier it’s getting darker, and…

Knowing: that it’s only going to get worse from here. Fun fact: From Aug 1 to Aug 31, Minnesotans lose 1 hour and 15 minutes of daylight.

Thinking: about mortality and loss and grief. Heavy stuff, right?

Bookmarking: black dresses. 


Opening: thank-you notes and wedding invitations all the time!

Giggling: over the ridiculousness of this season of "Bachelor in Paradise."

Feeling: nostalgic and sentimental. 

Inventory: Spring 2015

Making: updates to the epic spreadsheet my mom, Emily and I have been working on in advance of our trip to Paris! 

Cooking: an absolutely massive batch of quinoa to mix into everything I eat, basically. 

Drinking: Grey Goose and grapefruit, Kelsie's and my Mexican addiction! (Anyone interested? I'll share, come on over!)

Reading: TripAdvisor reviews of of Parisian restaurants, and Princess Diana's biography.


Wanting: Kaitlin to come visit, but...

Looking: forward to numerous trips to Boston starting this fall to see her!


Playing: Jimmy Buffett on Spotify and...

Wasting: away again in Margaritaville. (Duh, it's Jimmy Buffett.)

Wishing: my boss wasn't leaving me!


Enjoying: that spring has finally come to Minnesota. 

Waiting: for my tax return, awwww yeah. 

Liking: every Instagram of spring flowers I come across. 



Loving: the cute updates I'm getting from my parents in California!

Hoping: I can find my Twins shirt before tomorrow. 

Marveling: at Emily's amazing hand-drawn lettering (which I shamelessly Snapchat screenshot). 

Needing: to get majorly caught up on this blog, yikes. 


Smelling: the Pistachio Macaron candle I can't stop burning through (I'm on my second already and they smell crack-delicious.)

Wearing: a sweaty post-gym pair of track shorts and a tank top, and already thinking about what to change into post-shower for this evening's shenanigans...

Following: up with little baby prospective band members in Notre Dame's Class of 2019 (holy crap, we're officially old), who I was lucky enough to meet at Tuesday's ND-MN Club Admitted Students Reception!

Noticing: cute boys coming out of the woodwork now that it's warm and beautiful out ;)


Knowing: how lucky I am. 

Thinking: about the logistics of procuring this year's The Shirt. 

Bookmarking: vintage wrought-iron headboards to finish off my bedroom-decorating spurt. 


Opening: myself up to a summer of possibility and fun and devil-may-caredom. 

Giggling: at Jimmy Buffett's "Why Don't We Get Drunk (and Screw)," which just came on Spotify. 

Feeling: 100% happy with where life is THIS April, compared to last :)


Inventory: Winter 2015

Making: time to take care of myself these days. 

Cooking: At some point, this cauliflower risotto that Kaitlin made a few weeks ago and raved about. 

Drinking: my tenth glass of water for the day. Trying to keep that dry winter skin hydrated from the inside out!


Reading: Blonde, by Joyce Carol Oates, and enjoying it so far. 

Wanting: my one-month shopping hiatus to end so I can see if Express still has that perfect black skirt. 

Looking: forward to the orchestra this evening!

Playing: Trivia Crack ad nauseum against Mike (we're astonishingly intelligent and well-matched, although I tend to get the sports questions wrong...).


Wasting: time at work dreaming of my upcoming Mexican vacation this March with Kelsie!

Wishing: that that 40-degree January weather could have stuck around for the rest of the winter...


Enjoying: the good hair day I'm having today. 

Waiting: to decide on a locale for pre-orchestra cocktails!

Liking: Jake Ballard running around on my TV screen in his underwear during "Scandal" last night!

Wondering: why my neighbors' baby has decided to wail at 5:15 am for the last ten days straight. 

Loving: "Gilmore Girls." I'm so hooked. I want Rory to be my best friend. 

Hoping: that Mama, Emmy and Jonny Schwegs are having a blast in Ohio this weekend!

Marveling: at how fast my least-favorite month went this year. Thanks, January, for sucking way less than usual. 


Needing: to hit up the Clinique counter sometime soon. 

Smelling: the Apple Orchard cleaning spray I just used to wipe down my center island. It's so fresh!

Wearing: a KILLER pair of heels.

Following: up on fraudulent card charges, ugh...but thanks for awesome customer service, Wells Fargo!


Noticing: the blooms on my daffodil shoots. So insanely happy. 

Knowing: that I'll need to make up the gym tomorrow after skipping today. 

Thinking: about our itinerary for Paris this May after reading this book

Bookmarking: recipes for Superbowl snacks in preparation for Sunday. 


Opening: a bottle of wine before Claire gets here!

Giggling: while dancing around my apartment blasting songs from the 60s and 70s and cleaning things up and getting ready for an awesome evening. 

Feeling: incredibly happy, positive and excited about things coming up in my life. 

Inventory: Fall 2014

I've seen these going around the internet and decided to jump on the bandwagon. I think they'll be quarterly/seasonal little check-ins for me...and it's always fun to look back at these things. Here goes nothing!

Making: endless lists of things to do, places to go, and goals to accomplish. 

Cooking: nothing. Last night's (accidental) ten dozen pumpkin cookies with brown butter pumpkin spice frosting did me in!

Drinking: a "Happy Friday" glass of red wine. 

Not my coffee table. My wine, though. 

Not my coffee table. My wine, though. 

Reading: Monologues from Shakespeare's "Henry V," dramatically, and in perfect iambic pentameter.  

Wanting: darker curtains for my bedroom to sleep through the night a little better. 

Looking: out my window across the rooftops to the park. 

Playing: "1989" on repeat, just like every other basic white girl in the world this week (with dashes of "Frozen" to clinch my basic status). 

Haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. 

Haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. 

Wasting: a perfectly good cucumber that went bad because I am too lazy to cook/forgot all about it in my sad vegetable drawer. 

Wishing: to feel at peace with myself like this all the time. 

Enjoying: my three mum plants, which have survived my black thumbs for almost a month now!

Pretty, right?

Pretty, right?

Waiting: to put laundry in the dryer once this interminable spin cycle ends.

Liking: the thought of playing a Halloween drinking game. I.E. "Drink every time a trick or treater dressed as Elsa shows up." Who's in?

Wondering: if there really is something wrong with my heat/AC or if I just have leaky cold-seeping windows. 

Loving: that my parents finally get home from Europe in under 24 hours. So ready for a catchup session with my mom and my dad's goofy jokes. 

Off they went!

Off they went!

Hoping: (wishfully thinking) for just a little more Indian summer. 

Marveling: at how much my blog has grown this month. 

Needing: to get off this laptop and get my butt in gear before tonight!

Smelling: my fall scent of choice on the inside of my wrist: Garden of Eden's Fig and Vanilla custom-blended.

Wearing: my basic girl uniform of Gap skinny jeans and a striped J.Crew top. Someone break me out of my rut please.

I do believe this is what they call an "overdose."

I do believe this is what they call an "overdose."

Following: a diet that will stop including fun-size candy bars the second this damn holiday is over. 

Noticing: that my Jillian Michaels renaissance is paying off, just a little bit. 

Knowing: that everything happens for a reason. (So trite, so true.)

Thinking: about how happy I am here in my beautiful home. 

Last Friday's spectacular sunset, from the roof. 

Last Friday's spectacular sunset, from the roof. 

Bookmarking: This Taylor Swift Buzzfeed quiz. I'm "Fearless," obviously, because it's before she discovered straighteners.

Opening: up with more people and being a tiny bit more honest with myself about why. 

Giggling: at "War Paint," a standup comedy album by Iliza Schlesinger that Laura introduced me to, on Spotify. SO funny. 

Feeling: optimistic...nice to be back on track.