Bookworm: March 2018

The library was like something out of a good dream, if you're the kind of person who dreams about libraries, which I am...the smell of books, row upon row of shelves, and lots of rustling. The rustling - part page turning, part whispering, part shushing, part quietly shuffling feet, part just the books and people breathing - is so much my favorite part of any library that it's possible I imagine more rustling than is actually there. - Marisa de los Santos, "I'll Be Your Blue Sky"


I'll Be Your Blue Sky, Marisa de los Santos: I have perennially adored Marisa de los Santos's writing for the better part of thirteen years now, and this did not disappoint. Her way with words and her evocative, tactile imagery has always sucked me in. I pre-ordered her newest novel at least four months before it came out, and read it in under four hours. Finishing it felt like coming up for air. Just an absolutely gorgeous offering from a writer I will always love. 


Bachelor Nation: Inside the World of America's Favorite Obsession, Amy Kaufman: I NEEDED something to cleanse my "Bachelor" palate after Arie shat all over my Minnesota girl Becca's life in the finale, and this was just the ticket. Kaufman, a writer for the LA Times and noted "Bachelor" franchise enthusiast, has put together one of the most readable, well-researched, gossipy behind-the-scenes books on the show that I've ever read - and I've read most of them at this point. Extra love for the contributions from celeb fans of the show...such a fun addition!

The Man in the High Castle, Philip K Dick: Wade texted me out of the blue mid-month and asked, "The Man In the High Castle - is it pretty conventional alternate history, there something weird about it?" So of course I had to download and read it immediately, and I couldn't put it down. There's definitely something weird about reimagining the outcome of World War II with Germany and Japan as the victors, and I had a blast discussing the myriad plot twists and bizarre quirks with Wade. Definitely recommend for anyone looking for a liiiittle bit of a mind trip! 

In Twenty Years, Allison Winn Scotch: This one really sucked me in - the story of five friends brought together twenty years after their college graduation to rekindle their relationships pulled at my heartstrings in a very specific way, and I thought the writing was just the right mix of pretty and prosaic. Would be a great beach read for all you spring breakers! 

Harry: Life, Loss, and Love, Katie Nicholl: We're approaching peak royal wedding fever in my world right now, and of course I pre-bought and immediately read the new Prince Harry biography in advance of the wedding (May 19, campers - mark your calendars!). I really liked it, but the vast majority of it wasn't new news to me, and I felt like it was a bit light on Meghan Markle, which is the real reason I wanted to read it in the first place. Guess I'll have to go binge-watch "Suits" instead...


The Marriage of Opposites, Alice Hoffman: I'm not sure precisely what I didn't love about this novel, and that lack of ability to pinpoint it is bothersome to me. The story of Impressionist painter Camille Pissarro's Caribbean and Jewish antecedents sounded riveting on paper, but I think the novel suffered from a surfeit of ancillary characters and side plots that sidetracked me more often than not. That said, it started a resurgence of my interest in Impressionism, so here's to that at least! 

Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov: A diatribe: I have always struggled with Russian literature - I loathed Dostoevsky and Tolstoy when I tried them both out in high school - and a friend recommended Nabokov as a more modern, palatable alternative. I ordered "Lolita" because it is, obviously, his most famous and enduring work. And I loved his style of writing and the vivid, imagery-driven, colloquial phrasing of the work. That said, I felt incredibly...icky all the way through, largely because of the subject matter being treated with that vivid, imagery-driven phrasing. For those unfamiliar, "Lolita" centers around a 37-year old man's obsession and sexual relationship with a 12-15 year old girl. Sorry, but reading pedophilia, fictional or not, is just REALLY not something I will ever enjoy. YIKES. Hoping I can find something else of his with slightly more mainstream subject matter, because I genuinely did enjoy his style of writing, apart from the squickiness all the way through the book. 

Life and Other Near-Death Experiences, Camille Pagan: I downloaded this after seeing it spoken highly of by an Instagram "influencer" I follow, and I'm sad to say I was disappointed. I expected something with a lot more depth based on her reviews, and instead found that it was basically chick-lit (plus cancer and a gay husband). The highlight, for me? A lot of it took place in Puerto Rico, Culebra and Vieques, all places I've been and loved. Eh, otherwise. 

The Vacationers, Emma Straub: I expected to like this a lot more than I did based on Straub's other work, but I always struggle when I can't find even one likable character in a work, and this was a classic case of that happening. It's definitely an interesting premise - a family vacations with their adult children and gay best friends in Spain after infidelity rocks their marriage - but I found myself checking how many pages were left more than once, and that's never a good sign in my book. 


Love Walked In, Marisa de los Santos: Like I said, I've loved Marisa de los Santos for over a decade now, and this, her first work, is perhaps my favorite. Told in alternating chapters by a quirky-if-underachieving thirty-something and her boyfriend's eleven-year-old daughter, the way it delicately illustrates mental illness, fear and love still keeps me riveted every time I re-read it (this was probably the sixth or seventh time...oops.). 

Belong To Me, Marisa de los Santos: The sequel to Love Walked In, this picks up a few years later and tracks all my original favorites, plus adds a new cast of characters that I love just as deeply. The way that this novel illustrates losing a loved one to cancer chokes me up to this day - the imagery is so rich, I can't not feel it. 

Falling Together, Marisa de los Santos: This was the first of Marisa de los Santos's works for adults that left the characters of her original novels, but it's still really beautifully written. The plot does a little less for me - two friends on a quest around the world to seek their other long-lost bestie, while grappling with their secret love for each other along the way? Eh, not quite as much my thing...but the beauty of the writing more than makes up for it. I seriously cannot recommend her highly enough. Read her, and tell me that you did, and love her right along with me!

Sweetbitter, Stephanie Danler: I just read this for the first time last fall, and had to re-read it in light of the upcoming STARZ mini-series adaptation. I loved it just as much the second time - the story of a young waitress trying to make her way in one of New York City's elite restaurants, and figuring out who she is along the way is one that really resonated with me for some reason. Maybe it's that I think of Spoon and Stable the whole time I read it? Who knows. Pour yourself a fancy glass of wine and enjoy this one. 

An OCD bookworm tale.

About a month-ish ago, I was having a REALLY off day. I was crabby about my body - feet covered in blood blisters from my New York escapades had kept me out of the gym for a few days. Furthermore, I was feeling disgusting after housing fully four bottles of champagne in three days, plus drinking all over the city. I was exhausted - 2am bedtimes, hotel sleep, sharing a bed, and going like a crazy person for days at a time had burned me out. I was irritated with just about everyone in my life - near or far. So I decided, spur of the moment, to rearrange my bookshelves. 

This may sound like a completely random, absurd action to take in an attempt to soothe myself, but consider the source. One of my absolute favorite parts of moving - one of the actions I have to take before a place feels like home - is to organize my books. When I moved to California, my initial quote was something like $3000, based on the phone consultation with my moving company. Upon seeing my Minneapolis apartment, the mover adjusted his estimate up by almost a thousand dollars. Dismayed, I asked why, and his explanation? "Well, ma'am, you've got...a lot of books. And my guys? They don't like moving books." I eventually negotiated the quote back down...but only if I agreed to move my books myself, in my car. This required paring down my cherished collection by almost half, and even then it was a tight squeeze to get them in the car with our suitcases and the plethora of other paraphernalia I had to fit. (I believe my mom's quote was "You can get to California with clothes and fewer books, or you can get to California with all your books but be naked til the movers come." OH JODES.) Anyway, I digress - moral of the story: for me, books are home, plain and simple. 

I am extraordinarily specific about how my books must be organized. Up until that crisis night a month ago, it was, inflexibly, "alphabetically by author's last name." I am a voracious re-reader, and knowing where to find my favorites (Austen in the top left corner cuddling up to the Brontes, Graham Greene hanging out by Hemingway with Ibbotson close by, and my growing J. Courtney Sullivan collection looking down on Meg Wolitzer from a shelf above) is critical for my happiness. Accordingly, making the shift to rearrange my bookshelves was reflective of just how unsettled and angsty I felt in every other arena. 

How, though, to rearrange? I stood in front of the shelves for a solid ten-ish minutes, debating the merits of "time period" or "alphabetically by title" or "genre" or "Dewey Decimal" while Dave looked at me like I was an actual crazy person. I dove in and eventually settled on "by spine color." BY SPINE COLOR? WHAT WAS I THINKING? I honestly feel as though I suffered some sort of miniature breakdown or psychotic dissociation that led to this completely asinine decision. But by the time I realized I was NOT pleased, I was midway through, deep in reflection of just how many blue-spined books I own. And at that point, it felt too late to turn back and start over, so I persevered, bitching all the while about how stupid it was to let Pinterest aspirations overcome plain old-fashioned good sense. 

And there you have it - the finished product. (Well, most of it - the second shelf is still only half-full because of how few books I could bring to California with me, and it's all the black spines, I stood back, I looked at them, and I decided I loathed it. But I left it, confident that it would grow on me. 

Then, last week, I flew through Marisa de los Santos's transcendently lovely "I'll Be Your Blue Sky," and suddenly, fundamentally needed to re-read everything she had ever written. So I went to find her first novel last night before dinner with Kaitlin, thinking it'd be a perfect post-meal wind-down before bed. Problem? I couldn't find it. Campers, I freaked. Not like...externally. But internally? I was a spastic, stressed frazzle of a human. And right then and there, with about an hour until I needed to leave for dinner, I pulled every book back off the shelf, and spent the most relaxing, satisfying forty minutes of my life restoring order in this specific little corner of my universe. 

I guess the lesson learned here is simply to not mess with a good thing. Also that I am fully actually insane, but let's be real...we already knew that. 

Things I love online right now...

A few utterly, shamefully frivolous joys in the last 24 hours...

1. This video of a polar bear cub in the UK exploring its home for the first time, which I have watched a couple times and will likely revisit again before the day is over. 

2. Lin-Manuel Miranda and Ben Platt's outrageously gorgeous and moving collab on "Found Tonight," a mashup of songs from "Hamilton" and "Dear Evan Hansen" benefiting the March for Our Lives initiative. Listen to it on Spotify or download it on iTunes, it's just stunning...I may or may not have listened to it all day yesterday (I did). 

3. The @garyjanetti account on Instagram is hilarious, primarily because of his snarky Prince George memes which crack me up every time I see a new one. 

4. RELATED: Prince Harry's wedding is in less than two months and that means it's time for ALL THE STUFF. I just downloaded Katie Nicholl's new book "Harry: Life, Loss, and Love" (That title is so dramatic and I am so here for it), and was ecstatic to see that the hotly-anticipated Lifetime movie biopic "Harry and Meghan: A Royal Romance" has a teaser trailer out. I can't wait to drink wine, eat snacks and relentlessly mock this. It reminded me of this delicious recap of the William and Kate Lifetime movie, which I can still not read without truly laughing out loud. 

5. In the "TV I am actually very excited to watch rather than just to mock" lane, we have "Sweetbitter," a STARZ series coming out in May, which is based on a book I couldn't put down last summer and am currently re-reading. Set in a high-end restaurant in NYC, the series looks promising based on the trailer. (Also loving the new "Queer Eye" on Netflix, wanting to re-watch "Mozart in the Jungle [yes, again], and started "Love" on Netflix with Dave a couple weeks ago/never finished...)

6. Finally, someone please block Mark and Graham on all my devices or I will truly fall victim to the "if it's not moving, monogram it" life philosophy. (I do not need a monogrammed striped shirt, I do not need a monogrammed striped shirt......)

Love letters to life.

Remember when I was going to write these posts celebrating the little fun things in the week, and did it ONCE, and then decided I was going to be incredibly lazy and basically stop writing altogether? Right. Time to get back at the gratitude attitude and appreciate all the quotidian occurrences that make my life so incredibly lovely, taken as a whole. 

- achieving peak basic by making (way too many) chocolate-covered strawberries for the "Bachelor" finale 

- getting to snuggle and play with and laugh at our friends' ridiculously, absurdly, over-the-toply adorable Frenchie, Leia (I have never wanted a dog as badly as I want her, I'm not joking.)

- the prettiest and most fragrant "sunset" tulips, from Costco of all places, that have been going strong for almost a week now

- so much great beer with Dave lately, notably Alpha Acid's Barrel Constrictor stouts and some outstanding IPAs

- the kind of view that makes even perennially-frazzled-in-the-mornings me slow down for a minute


Other bright spots: a raucous and riotous game of "Cards Against Humanity" with the roommates, the release of the 2018 Minnesota High School All-Hockey Hair Team, a lengthy and long overdue phone date with Hannah, planning trips home and to Oregon in May, and - best of all - looking forward to the next two weeks bringing me BOTH Kaitlin AND Kelsie in the Bay Area! 

This year's Oscars faves and fails...

WOW campers, I am in a HUGE sulk after last night's "Bachelor" finale. Like, "sitting at my desk still grumping and bitching with my coworkers" huge. I am fully aware this is dumb of me, but maybe thoughts to follow. At any rate, let's look at pretty dresses to feel better, shall we?

This is the first year in a very long time that I not only haven't seen a single nominated film, but also didn't actually watch any of the Oscars - we were in the car headed home from an absurdly wonderful weekend skiing Heavenly! I caught up on the red carpet as soon as I got home from work last night (while dipping chocolate-covered strawberries for the aforementioned "Bachelor" finale, BOOOO). Awards season is always so much fun, and I was excited to see what happened on the Oscars red carpet, especially in the wake of the all-black Globes and so many really daring fashion choices since then. A few wins and losses below: 


I found myself SO drawn to the bright, bold colors on the red carpet...possibly in reaction to the prevalence of black at shows this season...and I am HERE for Allison Janney killing it in this dress (with gorgeous jewels to boot!).

Also LOVE Leslie Mann's floaty red dream of a's just so deliciously excessive, but that ethereal pattern keeps it looking light instead of bloodbath-adjacent.

I also really went hard for metallics, specifically Gal Godot, whose dress seems like a dance-y, twirly dream (also, hi, that necklace). 

I also think this is maybe the best that Jennifer Lawrence has looked in years. Her hair below is making me wish I could pull off blonde (duh I can't, I know that)...but I would love to master that kind of wave. The deconstructed hair and the sexy simplicity of the dress's silhouette make me incredibly happy. 

And of course Lupita. HI, goddess. I've been obsessed with her red carpet fashion for years and this didn't let me has a vaguely gladiatorial, warrior-esque vibe to it that seems perfect given her turn in "Black Panther," not to mention the wars being fought in the whole #MeToo #TimesUp arena. I'll never not want her luminous complexion, either. 

And finally, Jennifer Garner, who I have loved for years and who is giving some serious "Ben who?" vibes here. HOTTIE.


Maya Rudolph: The costume shop of "The Handmaid's Tale" called, they want their red sexual-repression shroud back. 

Andra Day: Marie Antoinette called, she wants her aggressively poufy-and-floral bedspread back. 

Salma Hayek: I'm so confused by this. The material looks like something that five-year-old me would've loved in a dress-up costume, and then there's all this cleavage with these HUGE dramatic jewel-y drapes over it? Pick a lane, people. 

My other gripe with a lot of the dresses this year is how fussy things seemed, especially on people who usually veer much more toward the streamlined end of the spectrum. I adore Emily Blunt and was not a fan of this high-necked, Swiss-dotted, chiffon-and-lace, Victorian-bodice-ripper-nightgown nightmare. Plus that color washes her out like whoa.