Life Lessons at 27

Twenty-seven! Twenty-flipping-seven. For me, twenty-seven officially sounds adult. I'm far away from college, even further away from high school, even far enough away from those rambunctious, transitional years right after college to look back with a bit of nostalgia and a lot of hindsight. 

With that in mind, I started thinking back on all the things, big and small, that I've learned thus far in life. And with THAT, a list...because lists are among my favorite things, and every birthday girl deserves to indulge in as many of her favorite things as possible: 

27 Lessons for Myself at 27

1. Say thank you, always. Even better, send thank-you notes for everything. It's such a little thing and it makes such a difference.

2. Always, always wash your face at night. Waking up the next day feels so much better. 

3. It's okay to hold grudges privately deep inside. That's just how you are. Don't let those grudges affect how you live your life or treat people in it, though.

4. You will never be the kind of girl who can casually wear red lipstick. Points for effort, but save it for the fancy days.

5. By now, you really should know better than to read scary books late at night. Just don't do it.

6. Take ten seconds before reacting in anger. Your temper gets the best of you more often than it should, even now. Rational reactions are always better. 

7. Sometimes, ice cream actually does fix the problem.

8. Notre Dame football will always, ALWAYS at some point in every season make your blood pressure skyrocket. It will always, ALWAYS at some point let you down. You're going to love it forever anyway. 

9. You're never going to like working out while you're doing it, but you always like it afterward. Remember that...and do it.

10. The following things are almost always worth it: travel, theater, happy hour, going home to see your parents, and throwing parties. Keep that in mind next time you're feeling antisocial (or poor, or tired, or cranky). 

11. Know when to stick to your guns. Set minimum acceptable standards for yourself and the people in your life, and hold those as non-negotiable. You know what you deserve. 

12. Quality over quantity, in everything. Friends, clothes, commitments...sometimes it's better to have fewer, but better. Sometimes, less is more. (Except striped shirts. You can never have too many striped shirts.)

13. Gin in large quantities always ends poorly. In the same vein...NEVER drink more than one Backer Long Island. Bad things happen. 

14. The people you have surrounded yourself with are worthy of your love for a reason. Don't be afraid to tell them that you care about them (and why!). Similarly, the people who aren't worth it will make it apparent. Friendship and love are both two-way streets.  

15. You're pretty much never going to win the lottery or strike it rich off a best-selling series of novels about a teenage wizard. With that in mind, keep making smart money decisions, but remember to have fun along the way.

16. At work, show up, speak up, but also know when to shut up. By the age of 27, you know a fair amount, but you don't know everything. 

17. Appreciate the little things. Let inside jokes and babies and perfume and fireworks and crushes and flowers make you happy without feeling insipid. It's worth it.

18. Don't be afraid of the next steps life holds for you. As Mom always says, "Everything happens for a reason."

19. As little as you want to do it, cleaning and cooking on Sundays starts the entire week off on the right note. Don't skip the floors. 

20. In that vein, make your damn bed. You like it that way.

21. It's okay to accept a compliment without immediately deflecting it. Yeah, maybe your hair DOES look really good today. Just take it for what it is.

22. Seek out opportunities to advance yourself and to bring people together. You've got a great network and you need to put it to work more often. 

23. Value family above all else. It's okay that your dad is your favorite man in the entire world, your mom is your idol, and your siblings are two of the people you admire most. 

24. A lot of your natural lack of coordination can be mitigated if you just slow. down. Look before you leap...or before you walk on a flat surface  in heels, you know, the usual.

25. Remember to be grateful for what you have...for what you've earned and what you've given. Gratitude tends to re-frame things in a much more positive light. 

26. Your enthusiasm for your life and the people in it is not a bad thing. It's okay to be "hyperbolic" and to be excited about everyday existence. 

27. Laugh at as much as humanly possible. To quote your Grandma Lo, "If I wasn't laughing, I'd be crying." Seek silver linings and laugh at the rainclouds, and don't let life steal your sunshine. 


Cheers to you, 27-year old Liz, and here's to the next 27 and all the lessons still to come. 

well hello february!

For the first time in forever, it felt like January flew by...due in large part to the fact that the weather was not terrible and I stayed busy with lots of little domestic things. I still had my annual January temper tantrum, of course, but I'm surprised it's already time to say hello to my secret favorite month, February! 

A little bit of what's coming up in this short-but-sweet month this year: 

--birthday fun at Anthropologie with Jodester like always

--a trip to London with lots of old favorites and new adventures

--the fourth annual Lizzie and Claire birthday extravaganza, this year featuring special guest Erin in from NY!

--a long weekend with Life Coach Laura, who I cannot wait to see

--a home-grown beer dabbler with Kels and a party bus with Lakeville friends

--The Oscars. So excited. 


And of course, lots of pink, candy hearts, and excuses to love up on the entire world a little bit :) 

Cheers, February. Can't wait to see what else is in store! 

remember this

...because it was a day and a night in which you were both happy, and aware that you were happy, and those are nights to treasure. 

You left work early for coffee with Matt, who is leaving and who you will miss terribly (a fact that you realize more and more significantly as days go by). Chatting with him in the Starbucks line reminded you, subliminally but poignantly, how friends can be found in the unlikeliest of places and circumstances. 

You drank your coffee and called your parents on the drive home. Hearing their voices makes the drive go faster than even the prettiest music. You're the kind of girl who saves voicemails from her loved ones, just so she can replay them when she needs to hear them, and that's a beautiful thing, especially when those loved ones are gone. 

You met Kels for a margarita and a life catch-up, and remembered all over you always do on nights like this...just how lucky you are to have her as a friend. She is the NICEST. You laugh like lunatics, you can be your little-bit-of-a-bitch self, and you have over a decade of history behind every sentence. You left your phone in your purse, and the Snapchat, the Facebook notification and the text all waited just fine. And your night? It was richer and better and more focused for having the phone put away. Do that more often, girl. Don't forget to be present. 

Target was manic, but you only had one cranky moment, privately muttered in the checkout line to yourself (and your Snapchat story, oops). And the elderly man alone in the gift wrap aisle? Remember him. Remember his care in picking out Disney princess wrapping paper to perfectly match the two costume dresses in his cart. You thought twice about commenting on it, wondering if you should just hurry to pick out your own wrap, but you did.

And watching his face light up and listening to him tell you his story...two grand-nieces who just turned three, and getting them the exact same dress so they would be equal, because he loves them equally? That was a light-up-your-heart kind of moment that brought tears to that weird spot in the back of your throat. Remember that...the happiness of the smallest connection. Remember seeing the little bit of beauty and true, deep love that sparks in the least expected places in the world. (Remember how glad you were to have asked, in hindsight. You are a good person, even when you don't always think you are.)

You literally left Target skipping behind your cart like a child and humming "Let it Snow," because you were that incandescently delighted with life. That's what this season is about. Remember this and be happy. 

sick days/daze.

Yikes. You know a vacation was good when it takes you twice the length of the vacation to recover from it...

I've been leveled with my annual November plague since returning from Columbus. According to my Timehop, I've been sick this week 3 out of the last 8 years, not counting this one...I think at that point it's reached "tradition" status, no? At any rate, I went to Columbus sick and, after a weekend of hard partying and late nights, returned home even sicker. I even ruptured my eardrum (thanks Atlanta!) on one of the flights.

This week has been a delirious haze of sleeping almost all day, marathoning "Friends" and re-reading old favorites when awake, and cringing every time I tried to clear my always made my ears pop. I'm still home and still pretty miserable but finally feeling up to logging into work today. Thank goodness...the boredom is starting to get to me. After all, there are only so many times Ross can yell "WE WERE ON A BREAK!" before I start to sympathize with Rachel. 

This has been exactly the respite I needed, though. With my next flight and series of fun looming on Tuesday...a combination work-and-play trip to Hartford and Boston...I've been totally focused on trying to get better before heading back to the airport. It's been nice, in a weird, achy, sniffly way, to unplug and check out for a few days. That said, I'm really hoping to get to feeling better soon, mostly because my Campbell's Double Noodle stockpile is starting to run low. 

Off to watch "The One with Unagi" and down some more honey-vanilla chamomile tea! Send healthy wishes my way...

Inventory: Summer 2015

As of around 6pm last night:

Making: new Spotify playlists.

Cooking: a giant egg-and-veggie scramble. Partly for dinner tonight, partly for breakfast tomorrow.


Drinking: a cold and well-deserved glass of Sancerre after a long and pretty emotional day.

Reading: American Band by Kristen Laine (for the second time).

Wanting: my endless bug bites from this weekend's up-north shenanigans to stop itching!

Looking: forward to this weekend…a Friday wedding, and nothing but free time on the books after that!

Playing: a lot of Sudoku on my phone these days, while waiting for elevators and arriving early to everything.

Wasting: too much time watching "Grey's Anatomy" marathons.


Wishing: for better sleep. 

Enjoying: a great tan...and all the fun outdoor memories that go with getting it :)

Waiting: to firm up fall 2015 travel plans for work and play. 

Liking: having a crush. Just a little one. But all the same. 

Wondering: what work will look like tomorrow in the face of the announcement of a new CEO.


Loving: my grandma Lo. 

Hoping: for everything to go as easily as possible in the coming days and weeks. 

Marveling: at the 59-day Snapchat streak Kels and I have racked up. Frivolous, but fantastically fun. 

Needing: to fold the big pile of clean laundry I just pulled out of the washer...and not wanting to do so. 


Smelling: like Library of Flowers's Arboretum, my summer go-to perfume.

Wearing: this dress, which has been my favorite work outfit since I got it about a month ago. Feels like wearing pajamas to the office, it’s so comfy. And it’s on sale!!

Following: a ton of new Instagram accounts featuring Minneapolis, Saint Paul, and Minnesota. Love!


Noticing: how much earlier it’s getting darker, and…

Knowing: that it’s only going to get worse from here. Fun fact: From Aug 1 to Aug 31, Minnesotans lose 1 hour and 15 minutes of daylight.

Thinking: about mortality and loss and grief. Heavy stuff, right?

Bookmarking: black dresses. 


Opening: thank-you notes and wedding invitations all the time!

Giggling: over the ridiculousness of this season of "Bachelor in Paradise."

Feeling: nostalgic and sentimental.