well hello february!

For the first time in forever, it felt like January flew by...due in large part to the fact that the weather was not terrible and I stayed busy with lots of little domestic things. I still had my annual January temper tantrum, of course, but I'm surprised it's already time to say hello to my secret favorite month, February! 

A little bit of what's coming up in this short-but-sweet month this year: 

--birthday fun at Anthropologie with Jodester like always

--a trip to London with lots of old favorites and new adventures

--the fourth annual Lizzie and Claire birthday extravaganza, this year featuring special guest Erin in from NY!

--a long weekend with Life Coach Laura, who I cannot wait to see

--a home-grown beer dabbler with Kels and a party bus with Lakeville friends

--The Oscars. So excited. 


And of course, lots of pink, candy hearts, and excuses to love up on the entire world a little bit :) 

Cheers, February. Can't wait to see what else is in store!