The first day of Spring.


Although there are still feet of snow outside, and although we're still sporting parkas and Uggs, and although hot tea still trumps iced coffee in my afternoon-pick-me-up book, it's the first day of spring! I genuinely don't think I've ever felt more ready to bid winter an official goodbye and good riddance. As far as I'm concerned, we're going to wake up tomorrow to tulips blooming, sandals-and-skirts weather, and long lazy days on patios. How heavenly does that sound?!

To celebrate the vernal equinox (so pretentious), I'm working from home and have enjoyed a long workout, given myself that sunny yellow pedicure I was so excited about last week, done all my laundry, and currently have the windows and sliding door cracked open. Cold though it may be, the fresh air is making my (daffodil-colored) toes tingle with anticipation of warmer days ahead. Later, I'm meeting Courtney for margaritas, the ultimate springy-summery drink, at Rojo…and I may just buy myself something springy at Anthropologie after. Who knows? 

Celebrate with me by listening to my ultimate springtimey jam: this has been a longtime favorite and always reminds me of my last beautiful spring at Notre Dame. (Notre Dame in the spring would require a whole separate rhapsodizing blog post. College campuses in the spring are God's gift, I tell ya.) Enjoy, and then go get yourself an iced coffee and smile :)

Happy spring!