I have a meeting in five minutes but I'm too stuffed from Worksgiving (which just wrapped up!) to do any concrete work in that window, so I'm going to post up just super quick here.
1. Taylor Swift's new album is stealth awesome - I had VERY mixed feelings about "Look What You Made Me Do," but some of it is shockingly catchy. I'm hooked on "King of My Heart," "Delicate," "Dancing With Our Hands Tied," and "Dress." Also an excellent length for a solid hour workout at the gym, which is nice.
2. Laura and I restarted "Gossip Girl" last night, and Dave watched the better part of an episode with us. Trying to explain it to him was hilarious and also hammered home (hard) the vapidity of the show.
3. It's raining here in NorCal today, and I feel like a brat complaining or even being remotely irritated by that, given I'm headed home Saturday to 20-degree windchills for a week. YAY MINNESOTA. (Friends - hit me up! Excited to catch up with people!)
4. My new uniform as of late to account for absurdly variable temperatures: ankle pants (Old Navy's Pixie, always), a button-down, and a pullover sweater. Ditching the sweater when it gets warm in the afternoons couldn't be easier or feel more delightful.
5. I baked six dozen pumpkin cookies for Worksgiving last night and made cinnamon cream cheese frosting for them. They are so rich, so decadent, and so impossible to resist. Someone save me from the leftovers please!
6. I'm mildly irritated with myself over a few random situations I'm in, and not finding much clarity with, when I feel like I should just cut to the chase and/or cut my losses. Apologies for vague-writing about that, but it felt good to get it out. Also, I have 280 characters on Twitter now (does everyone?) and it makes me really happy for no apparent reason.
All for now, friendies! Happy almost-weekend! Stay warm, stay dry!