1. Sleep for approximately 14 hours to get all caught up.
2. Get my grown-out manicure fixed.
3. Linger at a coffee shop all day and read everything by Graham Greene in one sitting (newly obsessed).
4. Actually address the 300+ emails piling up in my inbox instead of following the triage method.
5. Call back the 4 people who I owe phone calls to.
6. Make this insane coffee cake. (This one is actually happening in time for Saturday's ND-Syracuse "gamebrunch," yesssss!)
7. Read every drop of coverage on the internet about a: Kate and William's Canada tour and b: what on earth to do to salvage my fantasy football team.
8. See my family. See my friends. Thank them for their patience with my general basket case-ishness lately.
9. Go smell every fall candle at Target. It's therapeutic, I swear.
10. Blog. Right. This space has stopped being a priority just for this crazy season, but I promise I'll be back soon.