to "reign in" versus "rein in"
To rein in is the correct usage - it originates from controlling a horse (using reins). To "reign someone in" makes no sense because to reign is to rule, and if I, personally, were reigning, there would BE no reining me in. Move over Kate Middleton, I want ALL THE TIARAS.
Haphazard capitalization of wines
I admittedly didn’t know the rules around this until well after I moved to California, and noticed people were notably inconsistent about it even on restaurant menus and at wineries. I found this New York Times article incredibly helpful to clarify.
to "pore over" versus "pour over"
The only time anyone "pours over" anything is pour-over coffee. Pouring is the act of filling a glass or receptacle. The correct usage is "pore over," meaning "to analyze intensely."
to “peak” one’s interest versus to “pique” one’s interest; “sneak peak” versus “sneak peek”
Guys, why is “peak” so hard for people? The word, spelled that way, means “the top.” As in mountain peak, or peak physical fitness. I can’t quantify how many bloggers, Instagram accounts, even actual celebrities and public figures I’ve seen use “peak” in place of “pique” or “peek,” and it gives me hives every time.
And finally: it is "I SAW," or "I HAVE SEEN," not "I seen."