In keeping with last year, I’m going to set some super-measurable, achievable mini-goals and one bigger, overall theme for the year. Last year’s, to remember to give and receive love, was a smashing success and really contributed to making 2015 my best adult year yet. Here’s how I’m hoping to make 2016 top even that:
--Actually meal-plan every Sunday. I try so hard to be good about this but I am the laziest of lazy bums in the kitchen and tend to put things off, telling myself “Oh, I’ll do it on Monday.” Um, nope, never happens. I need to get up, grocery-shop (ideally before church) and actually take the couple hours to get things prepped and ready to go.
--Check in with people more often. I tend to drop off the face of the planet every so often when I’m feeling anti-social, which happens more often than I admit. In 2016, I hope to send more chatty emails, call friends (or call friends back), and maybe even brush up on my snail mail game. It’s such an easy and important way to affirm and strengthen friendships.
--Break up with “designer” coffee. No more, I tell you! I went over my spending for 2015 a few days ago and almost cried when I saw that I had spent the equivalent of a (full-price) Kate Spade purse or a round-trip domestic flight on Caribou, Starbucks and Dunn Brothers last year. I can get by just fine with my Keurig (and maybe the 99 cent coffee at the work cafeteria) in 2016.
--Step back from the cell phone. I know this seems to go directly opposite the resolution to stay in better touch with people, but I am noticing (and not liking) that I have a serious iPhone addiction. I don't know if it's a security blanket or a genuine desire to feel connected, but I need to make an effort to keep it put away when I'm with others and to maybe not constantly Snapchat and Instagram. It's easier to make memories that last when I'm not worried about making ones that will add giggles to my Snap story or be perfectly 'grammable.
And this year’s big goal…
Say yes.
2015 was such a fun year. It was busy and hectic and exhausting and at times a little bit overwhelming, but even in the thick of it, I loved every minute of it. It was the first year I really embraced everything, and in doing so, I found myself saying yes to so much and loving the outcome. Spontaneous trip to Columbus? Yes, sure, why not. Sneaking away on a Sunday to drink poolside and be ridiculous with friends instead of cleaning? Definitely. Throwing surprise parties, waking up at the crack of dawn to go see hot-air balloons, buying orchestra season tickets, cabin weekends…some of my favorite 2015 memories come from being open to experiences and jumping in without hesitation.
I’m at a place in life where I’m generally happy with everything. I have great people around me, I like my job and am good at it, and my family continues to be the best. There’s something inherently positive about the trajectory I’ve put myself on, and about the act of saying yes, that I want to keep in 2016 for myself. So here’s to embracing all that 2016 has to offer with open arms. I can’t wait to run (jog-shuffle) into the year, Keurig coffee in hand, and see what it holds for me. Best year ever? Yes.