Making: lists, plans, and also a second cup of coffee.
Cooking: this recipe for crockpot caramelized onions, soon to be crockpot French onion soup, and the whole apartment smells amazing as a result.
Reading: Ron Chernow’s Alexander Hamilton biography, along with “Gone with the Wind” for the umpteenth time, Joseph Kanon’s “Leaving Berlin,” and Noah Charney’s “The Art Thief.” I need to just commit to one and chill out – but I have a different book on every device plus a couple actual books going at all times.
Wanting: the Hamilton Mixtape omg omg (pre-order already in, naturally, and I've already listened to the two pre-release tracks three times each).
Looking: for a scarf and mittens that will match my new green J.Crew Chateau parka, squeeee!
Playing: a lot of trivia lately with the boys – we utterly dominated at Inbound BrewCo on Monday!
Listening: and rapping along with “Hamilton,” which is a daily occurrence around these parts.
Wishing: as always, for more hours in the day.
Enjoying: working from home…for the third Friday in a row, tee-hee!
Waiting: for tonight's champagne-and-orchestra fun with Jodester!
Liking: that this weekend is fall-back weekend aka I might actually catch up on some of my absurd sleep deficit.
Wondering: what dessert to make for Tuesday’s Friendsgiving/election results party.
Hoping: that the Irish pull out a win tomorrow at Navy...yikes.
Marveling: at this truly absurd November weather - hello, 65 degrees, it's nice to still see you around here.
Needing: to figure out what to wear to the orchestra tonight.
Smelling: the aforementioned French onion action, and this Target candle which I adore beyond measure.
Wearing: the coziest gray gingham flannel old-man jammies...the kind with the button-up top and everything.
Following: Meghan Markle on Instagram hoping to find out if she is actually dating my future husband Prince Harry, that beeyotch.
Noticing: that I reallllly need to vacuum the apartment, as there is polar bear rug EVERYWHERE.
Knowing: that I won't actually vacuum the apartment and will instead just pick up the tufts of polar bear rug by hand, alas.
Thinking: about the logistics and timing of voting on Tuesday for the most efficient in-and-out possible.
Bookmarking: Sonoma, CA champagne tours for our wine country Christmas!
Giggling: at mock-ups for the Schwegfam Christmas card of 2016, which, if I may say so myself, is going to be BRILLIANT.
Feeling: flipping Friday fantastic, friends! (also, apparently, alliterative) (that was unintentional)