101 in 1001 #4: Visit a new state.

I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off...or at least half my hair cut off...this morning. I leave for Connecticut in a few hours for more work travel and, incidentally, checking this guy off my 101 in 1001 list! 

From Connecticut, I'm shipping up to Boston (OHHHoohhhh!) for some quality time with Kaitlin, assorted other Irish lovers, and the Fighting Irish themselves! So excited to cross this bucket list item off with not one, but two new states in a week! 

Can't wait to: 

--meet colleagues I've worked with for 2 years and never seen face-to-face

--experience this steakhouse that everyone in the Saint Paul office has raved about to me every single day since we booked the trip

--teach some of the biggest trainings I've done yet

--eat some lobstah 

--say "wicked" more than is entirely appropriate

--tailgate around Fenway Park on Saturday

--dork out with Kait and go see Walden Pond and Louisa May Alcott's house

--do my best American Revolutionary impression all over the Freedom Trail

--sit in on one of Kait's classes at Harvard

--get some amazing friend time in!

With that, I need to run to Target, re-pack my (obscenely, excessively giant) suitcase, send five more work emails, and get the hell outta the tundra!