sick days/daze.

Yikes. You know a vacation was good when it takes you twice the length of the vacation to recover from it...

I've been leveled with my annual November plague since returning from Columbus. According to my Timehop, I've been sick this week 3 out of the last 8 years, not counting this one...I think at that point it's reached "tradition" status, no? At any rate, I went to Columbus sick and, after a weekend of hard partying and late nights, returned home even sicker. I even ruptured my eardrum (thanks Atlanta!) on one of the flights.

This week has been a delirious haze of sleeping almost all day, marathoning "Friends" and re-reading old favorites when awake, and cringing every time I tried to clear my always made my ears pop. I'm still home and still pretty miserable but finally feeling up to logging into work today. Thank goodness...the boredom is starting to get to me. After all, there are only so many times Ross can yell "WE WERE ON A BREAK!" before I start to sympathize with Rachel. 

This has been exactly the respite I needed, though. With my next flight and series of fun looming on Tuesday...a combination work-and-play trip to Hartford and Boston...I've been totally focused on trying to get better before heading back to the airport. It's been nice, in a weird, achy, sniffly way, to unplug and check out for a few days. That said, I'm really hoping to get to feeling better soon, mostly because my Campbell's Double Noodle stockpile is starting to run low. 

Off to watch "The One with Unagi" and down some more honey-vanilla chamomile tea! Send healthy wishes my way...