Hell has frozen over...

 ...and they renamed it Minnesota. 

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Guys, it is REALLY cold. Even being a Minnesota native, I can't remember back far enough to remember a time when even a few minutes outside was a: dangerous and b: quite THIS miserable. I'm incredibly spoiled by Jon, who not only dropped me at the door of work yesterday, but also picked me up there at the end of the day...ensuring I only had to be exposed to -50 degree temps for a total of twenty seconds yesterday. He braved the frigid walk to/from the parking ramp not once, not twice, but three times today (went over lunch to make sure his car still started), all to make sure I'd stay warm. Honestly one of the most-appreciated, kindest moves I've ever experienced. 

I've sunk to a new low: I actually wore leggings as pants. Those who know me know that I am vehemently, passionately adamant that leggings/sweatpants, while insanely comfortable, shouldn't be worn in public. Call me old-fashioned, or too sartorially aware for my own good--I've never personally worn them in public. Sunday, however, was a windchill of -20+ (-20-? If it's going lower?) and I had a date with my friends A&A, who are getting married this October, to put my formidable penmanship to good use addressing their save-the-dates. (Their save-the-dates, by the way, are stupid-adorable in every way.) I was super tired, super cold, and super cranky about having to go out in this weather...and I totally wore my UnderArmour fleece-lined cold-gear leggings over to their place. Thanks for not judging me, A&A. I promise it (probably) won't happen again!

Other things that are keeping me warm or making me feel warm and fuzzy these days:

-copious amounts of Green Mountain Gingerbread coffee (via my beloved Keurig)

-SmartWool socks (worn over and under everyyyything, including tights, at work, still. It's more professional to be warm than to get sick from being super cold, after all.)

-This hat and this scarf which I adore beyond all else. Nothing like being able to look moderately fashionable and not freezing off body parts in the process. 

-Knowing there are wonderful people who are helping out those who really need somewhere warm to go these frosty days. 

-Ironic listens to songs like The Virgins's "Love is Colder than Death," Ivan & Alyosha's "Running for Cover," Gold Motel's "Summer House," Passion Pit's "Take A Walk," Kings of Leon's "Sex on Fire," and We Are Twin's "Cold Stone Lips." Get it? Heat? Cold? Summer? Winter? Haha. 

-Laughing with Jon at the "hottest Bachelor season ever" last night. I don't even know if I can hate-watch Juan Pablo's season--it's gonna be AWFUL and I'm not sure it can pull off "awful in a good way" like most seasons do.

Here's to you, hopefully at home snuggled up warm with a hot beverage, or even better, NOT in the death grip of this "polar vortex!" 

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